Friday, March 10, 2006

Ini bukan cobaan...ini betul-betul!

Innit cool to be able to send the special love letters to your students...yeah, I have to admit that I enjoy throwing threats at my students, especially those who always have a thousand and one excuses as to not attend the class.

Some of the most common reasons for their absence:

- saya overslept, Miss.
- ala, kawan saya lupa kejut la, Miss.
- kereta saya tayar pancit.
- saya banyak keje, macam-macam assignment, pastu ada exam.

Put yourself in our stinking shoes. Don't you feel like kicking their backside (Mr. V's tone)?

Some of the most creative excuses:

- saya jatuh dalam bilik air.
- saya lupa hari ni ada exam. saya dok luar, kalau kat kolej, ada la orang nak ingatkan saya.
- hari ni consultation je kan, so saya ingat takpe la kalau tak pergi...saya terus jelah pergi rumah makcik saya.
- kawan saya datang hari ni, boleh tak saya excuse from class?

The funniest part; I was just told by the coordinator from the department next door that the jatuh-bilik-air excuse given by one of my students was actually used by the same student to explain her absence in the Accounts class last semester. Wah, I don't know you can recycle your excuses ek...

So far, the cikgi has sent out three warning letters...percayalah, banyak lagi dalam perjalanan ke pejabat pos Melawati.

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