Monday, February 20, 2006

They were telling the truth...

For that, I am in trouble...deep!

My coordinator received a phone call from the FCC coordinator who confirmed the examination period for FCC students which will begin on the 27th, and English will be among the first papers - 3rd March. I've calculated and there's only a few days left before their final exam. Cikgi keletihan dibahagian otak...

So far, I've managed to teach them the five basic tenses - they nod their heads in the class when I asked them whether they understood what I've explained, but I feel it is not safe to assume that they fully understood the differences between the tenses. Gave them some exercises on it...some did very well, one or two might still have some problems with the tenses.

Luckily, I'll be the one to mark their answer worries people, I do understand the meaning of being 'adl - meletakkan sesuatu perkara di tempat yang sepatutnya. They only had two weeks of lectures, ok. I've given them some "easy" exercises and assignments so that they get good carry-marks. Cikgi baik hati...hahaha, lansi!


Wishing myself the very best of luck... witnessing the students undertaking the exam

and in marking piled-up-to-be answer sheets...

'tis indeed a HARAKIRI!!!! (yeah watched that play in 2004, or was it last year, or the year before the latter...hahahahaha - Cikgi short term memory lost!)

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