Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Dongak ke langit 27 ogos ini!!

(trans: observe the skies this august 27, 2005!!!)

No,'s not about Ayah Pin coming down from his sky kingdom lah, you dumbo!

"Mars will come within 34.65Million miles of earth, Planet Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye and this will culminate on 27th-Aug-2005 at 12.30 am."

"It will look like the earth has 2 moons and this sighting is a once in a life time sighting for these whom are around today and the next time when Mars may come this close will be in 282 years time in year 2287. Share this rare happening with all your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again. let's see and experience this together as this rare sighting will never again appear to us in our lifetime." would be great if I could capture the two 'moons' with my EOS5, is that possible, bro Luq?

If I'm lucky enough I might be able to shoot a picture or two of Ayah Pin in his sarong 'bersemayam' in his sky kingdom (heh! so extremely karut!!)

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