Wednesday, September 29, 2004

"Revelation of the Day"

-there are certain questions which are not meant to be asked
-there are questions which lead to no answer
-there are truths that cannot be understood by everybody
-there are things that seem to be real but they are superficial

But worse, there are some stupid beings pretending to be highly intelligent. I don't want be included in that here's my reply to Dark Entity's question (read the haloscan comment box under this entry - Order...order!!)

This is a reply and not an answer to your question. (yes, they ARE different!)

I personally believe that human reasoning faculty is limited thus it puts a particular limitation as to what we are capable to comprehend and argue about it rationally. Due to this shortcoming, God has sent us revelations and prophets to guide us and enlighten us.

Not all questions can be answered to satisfy our reasoning and I believe that your question is among the top 100 in such list. I don't want to pretend to be a clever person, so listen to me carefully...I DON'T HAVE THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION. Go and find somebody who is well-versed in religion to answer your question.

I also have a question for you, Dark Entity...if you are THE GOD, would you create something better than you, and who in their rational minds would want to worship you if there is another being superior to you? (eih, tu kira dua ke :P ?) And erm, when you've finally found the answer please drop by and share the answer with us. Thank you, please come again! (imagine the voice of the waiter at Johnny's)

alia-the-non-ustazah (heheheeh)

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