Saturday, April 15, 2006

Bermula fasa kebosanan dalam hidup si pengembala

It has been a rather dull week...and it's just the beginning.

This monday, the students will sit for their first paper(s) and my invigilating shift will begin on Wednesday for the U**M courses. I've invigilated two U*N exams - nothing challenging, it's plain boredom! Or perhaps the challenge was how to kill the time without being killed by the silence and nothingness.

So how did the English lecturers spend the revision week without their students to come up to them and beg them to enlighten their lives?
Perhaps the lecturers are the ones who need to be irradiated by their students. Yes, we are going through some of the darkest moments of our teaching lives as the admin decided to cut down the use of electricity *sigh*.

1) Play carom...yes, kak N*qu* has kindly carried the papan carom all the way from her house up to our department on the third floor.

2) Tumblebugs...we will soon become the rabun English lecturers (some have already become as such :P) and thus qualify us to star in Rabun Baboon, if it will ever be filmed lah.

3) Paying many, many visits to the local mini-mart, kak Mus' restaurant (though the restaurant's name is an understatement of the prices of food&beverages sold there - R*dh* - redha jelah ye lecturers dan students sekelian!), gerai nasi lemak makcik Dateng (Siti Nurhaliza's numero uno fan!) and our almost second home - the great Joyon supermarket.

4) Turn on the radio and show off our abilities to sing and dance care-less-ly to the rhythm as well as to the funny stares from our neighbours hahaha.

Kak J*j*: Weih korang, aku suka lagu ni part yang 'sungguh...sungguh' (ref: Sugar - Lapan Hari >I think that's the title<)

5) Helping kak S** with the hantaran,

"l*y apply gam UHU ni, kak S** tolong pegang ribbon ni ek. Kak N*qu* tolong JANGAN hidu gam" hehehehe. (jangan marah kak N*qu*, apa2 hal settle kat kedai makcik diabetis ^__^)

6) Pose and shoot.

"korang, ni self-timer tau, jangan gerak for 10 seconds..."

"kak Ich* cepat lari dah blinking ni..."

7) Read, think and ponder.

S**: Betul ke Siti nak kawen ni?

J*j*: Aku rasa Mawi takde pape ah ngan Diana tu, biasa ah gosip...

L*y: Tapi kan, kita rasa Mawi ni tak tahan lama. Tengok cam Siti, dia kan clean and clear from gossips masa mula dulu, sebab tu dia cam maintain je . Baru-baru ni je kecoh sebab dia nak kawen.

8) Endless discourses.

N*qu*: Aku rasa abg. N**** tu playboy ah.

J*j*: Takpelah Neque, tak nak playboy, technician boy ada.

Ich*: Aku gaduh dengan B** lagi...

L*y: Akak nak kawen dengan dia tak? Fikir betul2...kang ahli fiqir kena buat lagu baru plak untuk akak...hehehe

S**: Aku punya teman...teman tapi mesra...tu lagu sape ek?

L*y, J*j*, N*q*u, Ich*: Lerrrrrrrrrrr...

Panduan umum: Nama-nama diatas bukanlah nama sebenar, dan terdapat exaggeration pada informasi yang diberikan.

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