Saturday, February 05, 2005

Kucing jalanan

My kitten died this afternoon...

Ran over by a car...

I have yet to name the it...

Ain't that sad?


Yesterday, Mom told me that somebody, a lady (I assume), gave a rather offensive comment;

"taman perumahan tak boleh ada banyak sangat kucing dalam satu rumah" (more or less)

I do not 'bela' cats, but they come to my home and we feed them whenever we could...I named some of them and sometimes claim "they are MY cats." But the truth is they're alley cats, and come to our house looking for food and shelter. Lagipun, pets are blessings tau dak! Don't go to all these meta levels lah, discussing what is the true definition of blessing, the characterisitis and features bla...bla...Just look at it as a laymen item, lexical.

When you're tensed, try observing cats playing with each other, climbing trees etc. It would really help you to relax. Ain't that considered as a blessing? When you are able to love them, take care of shows that you still have a heart although you're living in this harsh world. Ain't that a blessing? When you are able to spend some money to provide food for them, it shows that you're a rich (it's an abstract quality, interpret it according to your wish) at heart and in material. Ain't that a blessing too?

You know why I am so damn angry with that makcik - she's a tai che kong! cakap boleh lah! The little kitten committed suicide because of that makcik - I know I'm crazy and over-reacting, I DON'T CARE! The poor kitten ran towards the car this afternoon. See makcik, my cat was damned offended by your words!!


Last night, I told my cats when they were having dinner;

"go...and run away as far as possible. Find another house that will feed you. Look for another housing area that loves cats and dogs and pets. Go to a place where nobody would hate you, would complain against you..."

and my poor little kitten chose to go up to the heaven, where he would be loved and cared for.

yeah, I know...I'm a lil bit crazy - I DO SPEAK TO CATS and I DO HATE THAT MAKCIK, if the person is a makcik lah!

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