Thursday, February 24, 2005


My grandma (Baba's mom) passed away yesterday morning, 23 February 2005, at about 7-7.30am at her house in Cheras.

Allahhummaghfirlaha, warhamha, wa a'fu a'nha, birahmatika ya arhaman rahimin


I wish to write longer...about how my great actor-uncle turned the supposed to be respectable occasion into a glamorous, star-studded ceremony. The tears that streamed down his cheek seemed to me to be something that had been rehearsed and memorized very much like the drama script. And the most artificial thing that had happened yesterday was when the photographer from a Malay tabloid snapped some pictures of him kissing her before her final journey. CHEAP!CHEAP!CHEAP!CHEAP PUBLICITY!!

I wish to write longer...about how another actor, the father-in-law of my great actor-uncle took the measurement of my grandma's body (she was covered in kain batik lepas)-something to do with the burial etc. when he is not even her muhrim! While measuring the body, his stupid handphone rang, and without any respect to the deceased and her family, he picked up the phone in front of us who were reading yassin for my grandma. What a bloody stupid idiotic actor!!!

I wish to write longer...about everything that had happened...but I shall refrain myself from doing so in respect of my late grandma and most importantly in due respect for my father!

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