Thursday, January 20, 2005

Language wise

There are lots of things to be learned within the Seven-lords' household, especially when it comes to language ^__^.

Me - "Ma, carrot ni potong camne. Potong bulat pastu separuh ke?"

Mom - "Bahasa ape la kau cakap ni. Potong jelah bulat" (bulat in this context is NOT being referred to me, but to the carrot rather hehehe)


Mom - "I don't want this periuk. Tak muat ni. Take the usual one lah. The biggest of the smallest periuk."


Zak - upon seeing the word bud behind Nando's tiny flag (the one they cucuk on the chicken indicating the flavour)

"kak rul, butt ada ke maksud lain?"


showing me the "flag" - MILD : tickle your taste bud.

"yerlah, what's wrong with it?"

(whispering) "bontot ayam ke?" (one of the taboo things that will never ever reach our dining table)

"hish...ko ni!Bukan lah! Bud tu...erk, ada kaitan dengan deria rasa lah!"

and only yesterday I found the correct word for it, not that I don't know, I just can't retrieve it from my mental dictionary of Malay words - TUNAS RASA!


Seven-lord Advanced Learner's English/Manglish/Merapu Dictionary.

bulat pastu separuh - cut into round shape, and then cut into halves

the biggest of the smallest periuk - medium-sized cooking pot

bud - tunas (as in taste bud)
- putik (as in rose bud)
- &*@%^# (as in Nando's chicken 'bud')

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