Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Clearing the doubts

Dear all,

I need to tell you this. The internal conflict actually occured among few black belts at my place. It has nothing to do with MGTF or any other taekwon-do federations what so ever. I have caused some confusion, and for that I apologize.

(now I feel like a threat to a larger organization pulak! hehehe)

We're still working on the solutions...perhaps we have found one, but we're still uncertain of many things. "Limbo" phase perhaps, no?

To Master Amir,

Thank you for your comment, and I can assure you that Legends Taekwon-Do Academy is in full support of MGTF.


Master Amir is one of the most senior black belts in MGTF. Having him reading my blog made me feel like a ten year old child being asked by the headmaster to read out her essay during the perhimpunan (school assembly) - context lari a bit, but same feeling lah. Bangga wooo!

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